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Frontal view of the Galton Board box and its contents.
Straight on shot of the Galton Board.
View of the Galton Board and box.
View of the back of the Galton Board box and its content.
Side angle of the Galton Board in motion.
Side of the Galton Board Box that contains information on Pascal's Triangle, Fibonacci Numbers, and Golden Ratio.
Slanted view of Galton Board while beads are dropping.
This shows the side of the Galton Board box that talks about it's STEM certification.
Unbox me anywhere. I especially like the beach.
Did you know there is a bell curve for the average height of basketball players.
I like meat and cheese and sit on a throne of bell curves.
Apparently crustaceans like bell curves and normal distributions too.
I like long walks on the beach to get the normal distribution of the tides.
After a long day of normal distributions I like to treat myself. What can I say I am a little old fashioned.
Mark Hebner president of Index Fund Advisors and Four Pines Publishing with Michael Stevens of Vsauce.
John Brunson Marketing Associate at Four Pines Publishing with Michael Stevens of Vsauce.
Michael Stevens of Vsauce showing a ruler he developed that also measures light in picoseconds and sound in microseconds.
Unfortunately this event was so popular over 1200 tried to attend in a room with a capacity of 450. Event was live streamed to those turned away at the door.
The entrance to the National Museum of Mathematics, or MoMath, in New York.
The gift shop of the National Museum of Mathematics, or MoMath, in New York featuring the Galton Board.
The Galton Board on display with various math related books at the Gathering 4 Gardner Math Conference.
Professor Raymond Hall of Fresno State presents the Galton Board to the attendees at the biennial Gathering 4 Gardner Math Conference.
A colleague was travelling through Vietnam when they came across a Galton Board at the Landmark Marou Chocolat store.